Communication Directorate plans, coordinates, and implements communication strategies designed to build understanding, credibility, trust, and mutually beneficial relationships with the domestic and foreign publics on whom the Marine Corps' success or failure ultimately depends. Communication Directorate serves as a liaison between Marines and the public. It facilitates the instantaneous flow of information that is generated through the 24-hour news cycle, the Internet and cellular communications. Communication Strategy (COMMSTRAT) Marines must be trained, equipped and postured to serve the Force Commanders as they execute their duties in keeping Marines and the American people informed of what is happening on the battlefield as well as aboard Marine Corps bases. To accomplish their mission, COMMSTRAT Marines must have a sound understanding of the organization, tactics and equipment used in war and other conflicts. They must be ingrained within the Commander's battle staff and must train side-by-side with the warfighting units. In peacetime and in war, the COMMSTRAT mission is to inform America's citizens about what their Marines are doing.
For the second year in a row, independent auditors verified that the Marine Corps’ financial records are materially accurate, complete, and compliant with federal regulations and issued an unmodified opinion for Fiscal Year 2024.
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Headquarters Marine Corps Aviation released the 2025 Marine Corps Aviation Plan, outlining a
The Marine Corps announces the passing of the 21st Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Thomas R. Morgan on December 6, 2024.
The Marine Corps released the latest Talent Management update in support of Force Design, highlighting the continuous efforts to modernize and innovate its talent management systems, enhancing readiness and empowering Marines to thrive in a dynamic operational environment. Building on the foundation set by Talent Management 2030 and the Talent Management Campaign Plan 2023-2025, Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA) achieved significant milestones in retaining, developing, and optimizing the force.
A small detachment of approximately 100 logistics support Marines from III Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) has started to relocate from Okinawa to Guam in line with the Joint Statement of the Security Consultative Committee (“2+2”) on July 28, 2024.
The Marine Corps achieved historic first-term reenlistment numbers and exceeded its retention goal for Fiscal Year 2024 in a competitive and challenging environment. Engaged leaders across the Marine Corps retained the most qualified Marines at levels not seen in over a decade. Additionally, these efforts contributed to the Marine Corps exceeding its authorized end strength requirement, which is a summation of recruiting and retention efforts.